Easter is a bit like Christmas. A food feast; which can leave even people without an eating disorder sluggish, bloated and as though they've overindulged. But for those who struggle with an ED it can be absolute hell. Like many of you reading this I absolutely loathed any type of family gathering/holiday event. I can't remember the last time I enjoyed or even ate a roast dinner before Christmas 2016 (and even then I only had a small amount - definitely no carbs - and was completely consumed with guilt).
But the fact of the matter is, you, like anyone else including me will not put weight on overnight. That one single chocolate bar you ate (or two, whatever) will not cause any long term weight gain. Your body cleverly regulates your weight and this is important to remember if you're feeling like chucking the towel in because you've actually been FIGHTING your eating disorder.
• Short term weight changes are due to fluid balance. Weighing yourself everyday, or several times a day is nothing short of counterproductive. Don't do it. Throw your scales out or ask someone to hide them.
• HORMONES cause massive weight fluctuations. So if you're having your period again avoid any form of weight monitoring and just let your body be your body. It's clever and it knows what it's doing.
• EVERYONE will have an increase in weight over the course of the day. This is a fact of life. If you drink a glass of water, the weight of that water is now inside you. That is not gaining weight. That is just physics. You lie down overnight to sleep, and you pass your fluid out as urine when your body has processed it - biology. Not weight gain.
• LONG TERM weight changes means trends over a period of time seen. This doesn't have to just be fat, this can also refer to muscle being gained. But either way, if you have a restrictive eating disorder and/or are underweight by means of not eating properly you will have to accept you will ultimately put weight on or you're just sustaining the cycle of restriction fuelling your eating disorder.
• You have to increase your intake over weeks and months to see a long term weight gain. Not one day. Not two days. Remember this in relation to that cream egg you had on Friday. It hasn't killed you, and it won't make you gain a stone.
• Eat less than your body requires over a sustained period and you'll lose weight. Simple. Eat what your body needs energy wise and you'll maintain your weight. Eat more than your body needs over a period of weeks and you'll gain.
You must look beyond what the scale says on a daily basis. Try to limit the amount or just stop weighing yourself because it will only slow your recovery due to the amount of anxiety it causes. Everyone has daily fluctuations in weight, and whatever that number says on the scales doesn't make you a better person but it will cause you to fixate on negatives and ultimately continue fuelling disordered behaviours. I hope this was helpful. Kate x
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